December 29, 2014

Strawberry-choco cake

Hello everyone,

happy holidays! I hope you had a peaceful and merry Christmas. I spent the Christmas Eve at home with my parents and on Xmas day I fell into a deep food-coma at the boyfriend's house. Maybe this will sound funny to you but I cannot wait for January to come - the detox month!

New Year's Eve is just around the corner and I think it is time to think about what to cook for this special night. If you are still wondering and searching for a great dessert recipe - I can help you out. Here is a recipe for a gloriously delicious strawberry-choco cake, super moist, creamy, fruity, heavenly light... And the best part? You can make it healthy or super unhealthy. It is up to your preferences.

I made this cake for the boyfriend's mum's (mum-not-already-in-law) birthday and we devoured it immediately, everyone loved it! I mean... Who does not love strawberries and chocolate?

Searching for more food ideas? Visit my Instagram profile (@crayonsandbeads)!
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for a 26 cm cake tin):

Batter ingredients:
2 eggs
6 tbsp sugar (brown or coconut palm)
1 packet vanilla sugar
6 tbsp oil
6 tbsp milk (plantbased or regular)
6 tbsp flour (wholegrain, spelt or regular)
1/2 packet baking powder
50 g grounded walnuts
1 tbsp raw cacao powder

Other ingredients:
200 ml milk (plantbased or regular)
2 tbsp rum

2 packets vanilla pudding
1 cup strawberry compote
4-5 tbsp sugar (brown or coconut palm)
1 packet vanilla sugar

500 ml whipped cream (can substitute for coconut cream)
decoration (grated chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.)

1. Batter: In one bowl, beat the eggwhites with 3 tbsp sugar into an eggwhite snow. In another bowl, mix the eggyolks with 3 tbsp sugar until fluffy. Add the other ingredients in the order as listed above. Mix really well. Finally, slowly add and stir the snow into the batter. Transfer it into a greased cake tin and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.
2. Then, soak the cake with a mixture of milk and rum to make it moist.
3. Filling: Blend the strawberries, add them 500 ml liquid (from the compote and more water, if needed) and bring to boil. Mix in the vanilla pudding, sugar, vanilla sugar and stir for a few minutes. Pour the filling over the cake and let it completely cool in the fridge.
4. Topping: Spread the whipped cream over the filling and decorate with whatever you wish.

Recept (za 26 cm tortni pekač):

Sestavine za biskvit:
2 jajci
6 žlic sladkorja (rjavi ali kokosov)
1 zavitek vanili sladkorja
6 žlic olja
6 žlic mleka (rastlinsko ali kravje)
6 žlic moke (polnozrnata, pirina ali namenska)
1/2 zavitka pecilnega praška
50 g zmletih orehov
1 žlica presnega kakava v prahu

200 ml mleka (rastlinsko ali kravje)
2 žlici ruma

2 zavitka vanilijevega pudinga
1 skodelica jagodnega kompota
4-5 žlic sladkorja (rjavi ali kokosov)
1 paket vanili sladkorja

500 ml stepene sladke smetane (lahko nadomestimo s kokosovo kremo)
dekoracija (naribana čokolada, mrvice, sadje, oreščki, itd.)

1. Biskvit: V eni posodi stepemo beljake s 3 žlicami sladkorja v trd sneg. V drugi posodi stepemo rumenjake s 3 žlicami sladkorja, dokler penasto ne naraste. Dodamo še ostale sestavine v vrstnem redu, kot je napisano zgoraj. Zelo dobro premešamo. Na koncu dodamo masi še sneg, ki ga nežno vmešamo. Maso vlijemo v namaščen tortni pekač in pečemo na 180°C za 15-20 minut.
2. Nato pečen biskvit nasočimo z mešanico mleka in ruma.
3. Polnilo: Zblendamo jagode, jim dodamo 500 ml tekočine (iz kompota in po potrebi še vodo) in zavremo. V zavretek zakuhamo vanilijev puding, sladkor in vanili sladkor ter mešamo nekaj minut. Jagodno mešanico prelijemo čez biskvit in damo v hladilnik, da se popolnoma ohladi.
4. Nadev: Ko je torta hladna, odstranimo obod tortnega pekača in jo premažemo s stepeno smetano ter poljubno okrasimo.

Have a lovely and glamorous start into 2015!


November 02, 2014

Vegan glutenfree pomegranate protein pancakes

Hello everyone,

after a few months of being absent, here is a brand new yummy recipe - vegan GF pomegranate protein pancakes! For a healthy, dairyfree and sugarfree breakfast (or lunch or dinner of dessert, you decide). Top them with any kind of nut butter or fruit - I decided for almond butter, dark chocolate pieces, more pomegranate seeds, banana coins, mandarin pieces and a sprinkle of homemade rawnola (raw granola). 

And then I went to pancake heaven...

For more food ideas and easy recipes visit my Instagram profile (@crayonsandbeads)!
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 5 smaller pancakes):

1 small banana
3/4 cup dairyfree milk
2 tbsp buckwheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1 tsp maca powder
1,5 tbsp rice protein
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
2. Grease a skillet with coconut oil and put two heaping tablespoons of batter per pancake on it. Bake on medium heat, each side for a few minutes.
3. Top with whatever you like and enjoy!

Recept (za 5 manjših palačink):

1 majhna banana
3/4 skodelice rastlinskega mleka
2 žlici ajdove moke
1 žlička pecilnega praška
1/2 skodelice semen granatnega jabolka
1 žlička mace
1,5 žlice riževih proteinov
1/2 žličke vanilijevega ekstrakta

1. Vse sestavine zmiksamo v blenderju.
2. Ponev namastimo s kokosovim oljem in nanjo damo po dve zvrhani žlici mase na palačinko. Pečemo na srednjem ognju, vsako stran nekaj minut.
3. Nadevajte jih s čimerkoli želite (po želji)!

Wishing you a great start of November,


September 09, 2014

Cook with me: Healthy Oreo Pancakes

Hello everyone,

I took a break from writing posts but now I'm back on track! August was just such a busy month. 
However, here is a new recipe for an amazing stack of Oreo pancakes, healthy and free from refined sugar! And by using dairyfree products, they are also vegan.
I uploaded a photo of them on Instagram (and many many more food photos - @crayonsandbeads) yesterday morning when having them for breakfast. I could rave about how deliciously they taste for days! One of the best chocolate pancakes I've eaten in my life, seriously.

If you want to taste a little bit of (chocolate) heaven, you should try the following recipe.
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 6 pancakes):

Ingredients for the pancake batter:
4 tbsp spelt flour
4 tbsp raw cacao powder
2 tbsp liquid sweetener (honey/maple syrup)
2 tsp baking powder
4 tsp vanilla flavoured yogurt (vegan option - soy/coconut yogurt)
6-8 tbsp dairyfree milk

Ingredients for the filling:
1/3 cup vanilla flavoured yogurt (vegan option - soy/coconut yogurt)
1 tsp sweetener (honey/maple syrup/coconut palm sugar)

1. In a bowl, combine flour, cacao powder, sweetener and baking powder. Add yogurt and milk, but don't add too much milk because the batter shouldn't be too liquid. Mix very well.
2. Put two heaping tablespoons of batter per pancake on a greased skillet. Bake them on medium heat, a few minutes each side.
3. For the filling, mix together the yogurt and sweetener. Add it in between the pancakes.

Optional: Drizzle some chocolate syrup over them (1 tsp raw cacao powder + 1 tsp liquid sweetener + 1 tsp water).

Recept (za 6 palačink):

Sestavine za maso:
4 žlice pirine moke
4 žlice presnega kakava v prahu
2 žlici tekočega sladila (med/javorjev sirup)
2 žlički pecilnega praška
4 žličke vanilijevega jogurta (veganska opcija - sojin/kokosov jogurt)
6-8 žlic rastlinskega mleka

Sestavine za nadev:
1/3 skodelice vanilijevega jogurta (veganska opcija - sojin/kokosov jogurt)
1 žlička sladila (med/javorjev sirup/kokosov sladkor)

1. V posodi zmešamo moko, kakav, sladilo in pecilni prašek. Dodamo jogurt in mleko, vendar ne preveč, saj masa ne sme biti pretekoča. Dobro premešamo.
2. Na ponev damo po dve zvrhani žlici mase na palačinko. Pečemo na srednjem ognju, vsako stran nekaj minut.
3. Za nadev zmešamo jogurt in sladilo ter ga namažemo med palačinke.

Opcija: Na koncu lahko palačinke prelijemo še s čokoladnim sirupom (1 žlička presnega kakava v prahu + 1 žlička tekočega sladila + 1 žlička vode).

Happy pancake-making!


August 03, 2014

Cook with me: Healthy Strawberry Shortcake Protein Pancakes

Hello everyone,

when was the last time you had eaten a stack of delicious pancakes? A long time ago? I bet you are craving them, am I right? You know you want them. Because you love pancakes. And strawberries, too? Even better! Then, you have to make these healthy, protein-loaded, sugarfree and dairyfree strawberry shortcake pancakes for tomorrow's breakfast. Here comes the recipe...
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 4-6 pancakes):

1/3 cup wholegrain flour
2 tbsp oats
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 scoop whey protein (optional)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/3 cup dairyfree milk
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup fresh strawberries, chopped *

* frozen strawberries can be used too (in this case, mix them into the batter right away)

1. Mix together all dry ingredients, then add the wet ones.
2. In a blender, mix all ingredients (except the strawberries) into a batter.
3. Add strawberries to the batter.
4. Cook the pancakes in a non-stick pan on medium heat, about 2 minutes each side.
5. Add desired toppings; I used: peanut butter, greek yogurt, a banana, a sprinkle of chia seeds and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Recept (za 4-6 palačink):

1/3 skodelice polnozrnate moke
2 žlici ovsenih kosmičev
1 žlička pecilnega praška
ščepec soli
1 merica sirotke (po želji)
1/2 žličke vanilijevega ekstrakta
1 žlica javorjevega sirupa
1/3 skodelice mleka (riževo, mandljevo, kokosovo)
1 žlica kokosovega olja, stopljeno
1/3 skodelice svežih jagod, narezane *

* lahko se uporabijo tudi zamrznjene jagode (v tem primeru jih takoj vmešamo v testo)

1. Najprej zmešamo vse suhe sestavine, nato jim dodamo mokre.
2. V blenderju zmiksamo vse sestavine (razen jagod) v testo.
3. Dodamo jagode.
4. Palačinke pečemo v teflonski posodi na srednjem ognju, vsako stran približno 2 minuti.
5. Čas za dodatke - npr. arašidovo maslo, grški jogurt, banana, chia semena in javorjev sirup.

Have a nice Sunday,


August 02, 2014

Cook with me: Ovenbaked Chocolate Banana Oatmeal

Hello everyone,

I'm presenting you another dish that I tried yesterday for the first time - ovenbaked chocolate banana oatmeal! Healthy, sugarfree. dairyfree, nutfree and loaded with fiber, carbs and protein. Well, chocolate is not used at all; in this case, it wouldn't be healthy obviously. It is cacao powder that makes it look and taste chocolately. And if you are not a fan of bananas, you can totally skip them.
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 2 servings):

150 g oats
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cacao powder
150 mL dairyfree milk
2-3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
1 banana, chopped (optional)

1. Mix all ingredients (except the banana) together and transfer the mixture into a small baking pan lined with some baking paper.
2. Add the banana chunks on top. (optional)
3. Bake it in the oven at 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

Recept (za 2 porciji):

150 g ovsenih kosmičev
2 žlički pecilnega praška
1 jajce
1/4 žličke soli
2 žlički kakava
150 mL mleka (riževo, mandljevo, kokosovo)
2-3 žlice javorjevega sirupa
1 žlička cimeta
1 banana, narezana (po želji)

1. Zmešamo vse sestavine (razen banane). Mešanico damo v manjši pekač, obložen s peki papirjem.
2. Na vrh položimo koščke banane. (po želji)
3. Pečemo v pečici na 180°C za 20-25 minut.

Bon appetit!


July 30, 2014

Cook with me: Healthy Peanut Butter Nicecream

Hello everyone,

how do you like the new appearance of the blog page? It was under construction one week ago. 
Anyway, I prepared a new, very easy recipe for you. My parents bought a new robot food processor last week (it's so cool!) so I could finally make homemade icecream made of bananas and peanut butter - peanut butter nicecream! Not necessary to emphasize it's super healthy, right? Also, it's vegan and sugarfree. I made this wonderful dish this morning for breakfast and I instantly decided to share it over here.
(Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)



3 bananas, frozen
3 tbsp dairyfree milk
1 tbsp peanut butter

1. In a food processor, blend the bananas into a thick cream.
2. Add the milk and peanut butter. Blend again. Serve.


3 banane, zamrznjene
3 žlice mleka (riževo, mandljevo, kokosovo)
1 žlica arašidovega masla

1. V multipraktiku zmiksamo banane v kremo.
2. Dodamo mleko in arašidovo maslo in ponovno zmiksamo. Serviramo.

The nicecream can be topped with whatever you like - fruit, nuts, cereals... I used homemade cinnamon-strawberry granola and cacao powder. Now I'm off to cook lunch and bake some yummy muffins!

Have a nice day,


July 22, 2014

Cook with me: Healthy Raw Bounty - Chocolate Coconut Bars

Hello everyone,

yesterday, I posted a photo of homemade raw Bounty bars on Instagram and Facebook and so many people have been asking me for the recipe. I made them for the first time and it was a total success! I think it is necessary to emphasize that these bars are super healthy, raw, vegan, sugarfree, glutenfree, dairyfree and nutfree. But let me tell you that they taste almost the same as the original Bounty. 
Now scroll down for the recipe! (Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 12 bars):

Coconut filling:
175 g coconut flour
60 mL (4-5 tbsp) coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp water
4 drops vanilla extract

Chocolate cream:
90 mL (6-7 tbsp) coconut oil, melted
30 g cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup
pinch of salt

1. Coconut filling: In a bowl, mix coconut flour with water, and in another bowl, mix together coconut oil, maple syrup, honey, salt and vanilla extract. Add the liquid mixture to the coconut flour and mix well. Transfer the filling into a small baking pan, lined with some plastic wrap, and press firmly. Put it in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.
2. Chocolate cream: In a double boiler, mix coconut oil with maple syrup, then add cacao powder and salt.
3. Remove the filling from the freezer and cut it into bars. Dip them into the cream, take them out with a fork and place them on baking paper. Put the bars into the freezer for 15 minutes, then dip them again. Drizzle the rest of the cream over the bars. Let them chill in the freezer for at least 1 hour before serving.

Recept (za 12 ploščic):

Kokosovo polnilo:
175 g kokosove moke
60 mL (4-5 žlic) kokosovega olja, stopljeno
3 žlice javorjevega sirupa
1 žlica medu
1/4 žličke soli
2 žlici vode
4 kapljice vanilijevega ekstrakta

Čokoladni obliv:
90 mL (6-7 žlic) kokosovega olja, stopljeno
30 g kakava v prahu
2 žlici javorjevega sirupa
ščepec soli

1. Kokosovo polnilo: V eni posodi zmešamo kokosovo moko z vodo, v drugi posodi pa kokosovo olje, javorjev sirup, med, sol in vanilijev ekstrakt. To tekočo mešanico nato dodamo h kokosovi moki in dobro premešamo. Zmes prenesemo v manjši pekač ali posodo s plastično folijo in trdno pritisnemo na dno ter damo v zamrzovalnik za vsaj 30 minut.
2. Čokoladni obliv: Nad vodno kopeljo (v spodnji posodi imamo vročo vodo, v zgornji posodi pa pripravljamo obliv), najprej zmešamo kokosovo olje in javorjev sirup, nato dodamo kakav in sol.
3. Kokosovo polnilo vzamemo iz zamrzovalnika in ga razrežemo na poljubno velike ploščice. Potopimo jih v čokoladni obliv, odstranimo jih z vilico in položimo na peki papir. Za 15 minut jih damo v zamrzovalnik, nato jih še enkrat potopimo. Preostanek čokoladnega obliva prelijemo preko ploščic. V zamrzovalniku jih pustimo vsaj 1 uro, preden serviramo.

Expect more yummy recipes very soon!

Good luck,


July 20, 2014

Cook with me: Chocolate Apple Cake (raw, vegan, dairy-free)

Hello everyone,

my food-loving-cooking-baking-creating side is at its best form these days. I started to write down all the recipes that caught my eye, some of them were already recreated and many more are still waiting in the line! Blame the holidays or too much free time, but I like this mood. And anyone who tried my food creations (especially desserts) likes it even more.
I've totally fallen for raw food where no cooking or baking is required, just combining ingredients and mixing them together. About a week ago, I made my second raw cake - a healthy Chocolate apple cake - vegan and dairy-free! It is pretty similar to the Banana strawberry chocolate cake. And as always, it is so easy to make!


Base (1st layer):
100 g mixed nuts (I used walnuts and hazelnuts)
100 g oats
50 g coconut flour
50 g coconut palm sugar
200 g medjool dates, pitted
2 tablespoons coconut oil (not melted)

Filling (2nd layer):
2-3 apples (medium size), grated
1 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp coconut flour

Chocolate cream (3rd layer):
170 g medjool dates, pitted
1 cup water
50 g raw cocoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil (not melted)

1. For the base, mix all ingredients in a food processor into a dough and press it firmly into a cake tin.
2. Mix together the grated apples, cinnamon and coconut flour. Add the mixture on top of the dough. 
3. For the chocolate cream, mix the dates in a food processor until you don't get a lump. Next, add water to get a thick, creamy consistency. The last step is to add cocoa powder and coconut oil to the mixture. Then, put the cream over the apple layer.
4. Let the cake cool down in the fridge for about 2-3 hours before serving.

Believe me, raw cakes taste as good as ordinary baked cakes if not even better (oh yes, they do)! Still in doubts? Well, then you seriously need to make one or two!

By the way, there is still some time left to enter my GIVEAWAY (previous post) which ends today at 8 PM! The winner will be announced on Facebook no later than tomorrow.

Have a sunny week,


July 13, 2014

DIY: Homemade Peanut Butter and healthy Nutella + GIVEAWAY

Hello everyone,

another DIY post is here for you to try out, this time a food-related one. I'm presenting you two DIY recipes - homemade peanut butter and healthy Nutella! And at the end of the post, you can find all the details about the little giveaway I prepared in honour of the 1st Blogoversary.

I'm sure many of us love peanut butter and Nutella. Nutella was my go-to breakfast during my childhood and peanut butter is a more recent discovery. But as you may know, they are not the healthiest things to eat since they contain loads of unnecessary sugar, salt, unhealthy fats and other artificial ingredients. Overload of calories. However, it is possible to make them healthy, delicious and nutritious if you prepare them in your own kitchen.


250g peanuts (shelled, skinned, roasted, unsalted)
3 tbsp coconut/peanut oil
1 tsp salt
2 tsp liquid sweetener (honey/maple syrup)

1. Place the peanuts into a food processor. 
2. Blend for 1 minute, then scrape down the sides of the bowl. 
3. Blend again and scrape down the sides. Then, add the oil, salt and sweetener. 
4. Blend and scrape down the sides until you get a smooth cream which shouldn't be too thick - in this case, add more oil.
5. Transfer the peanut butter into a glass jar. Store in the fridge.

Healthy NUTELLA recipe:

100g hazelnuts
5 tbsp raw cacao powder
3 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp liquid sweetener (honey/maple syrup)

1. Place the hazelnuts in a food processor and blend into flour.
2. Add cacao, oil, salt and sweetener. Blend again and scrape down the sides of the bowl if needed.
3. Continue blending until you get a creamy consistency.
4. Transfer the choco-hazelnutty cream into a glass jar. Store in the fridge.

Now, where to use them? Spread them on toasted bread, add them into oatmeal, put them on fruit... You decide. Just use your imagination. I really hope you will try at least one recipe, it won't take you too long to master it.

And now the little GIVEAWAY!
One lucky winner will receive a unique handmade silver bracelet and a Soraya deodorant! The bracelet is made by me. All the beads/pearls are handmade - the little silver stones are glued onto the balls. And Soraya is a very popular brand here in Slovenia; I tried this deodorant which I really like, so I decided to order another one for this gevaway.
To participate, fill out the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway is international. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

See you next Sunday,


July 07, 2014

1st Blog Anniversary

Hello everyone,

as you may know I usually post at Sundays but - today is a special day for me and this blog. Exactly one year ago, it was Sunday July 7, the first blog post was uploaded. So today I'm celebrating the 1st anniversary!

The year flew by really quickly. I managed to write 21 posts (without this one) - it may not sound a lot but in my opinion, quality is above quantity. I also got so many views, lovely comments and amazing followers from all over the world. It is hard to describe how excited and happy I get when someone writes a comment, gives me a feedback, likes my Facebook page or simply just reads the things I wrote. The feeling is priceless.

In honor of this day, a little giveaway will be going on. More details about the prize and how to participate will be posted this Sunday when I'll also share a new DIY recipe with you (hint - the glass jar on the picture above), get excited!
And I cannot end writing this post without...

A BIG thank you for reading and following Crayons and Beads!

I wish you a great start of the week,


June 15, 2014

Cook with me: Banana Strawberry Chocolate Cake (raw, vegan, dairy-free)

Hello everyone,

I'm finally back with a new post. For this special occasion, I'd like to share with you a recipe that I came across within the past days. Get excited for the Banana Strawberry Chocolate Cake! It is raw, vegan, dairy-free and it tastes deliciously! 

This was my first time making a raw cake and it definitely won't be the last one. I never imagined a raw cake being so tasty. The ingredients couldn't be more healthy - it is a perfect dessert for everyone who eats clean (including myself).

Recipe (adapted from

Base (1st layer):
100 g mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts)
100 g oats
50 g coconut flour
50 g coconut palm sugar
200 g medjool dates, pitted
2 tablespoons coconut oil (not melted)

Filling (2nd layer):
250 g strawberries, chopped
3 bananas, chopped

Chocolate cream (3rd layer):
150 g medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup water
50 g raw cocoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil (not melted)

1. For the base, mix all ingredients in a food processor into a dough and press it firmly into a cake tin.
2. Add the chopped bananas and strawberries on top of the dough. 
3. For the chocolate cream, mix the dates in a food processor until you don't get a lump. Next, add water to get a thick, creamy consistency. The last step is to add cocoa powder and coconut oil to the mixture. Then, put the cream over the fruit layer.
4. Let the cake cool down in the fridge for about 2-3 hours before serving.

I bet everyone can master this recipe (cooking-dummies included!). It takes less than an hour to make. Will you give it a try?

I have a lot more healthy recipes on my menu to share with you since I've been into clean eating for almost a year now. Healthy food has become an important part of my lifestyle besides regular exercise. So, for the future posts expect even more healthy and easy food recipes! For more food inspiration, you are invited to follow my Instagram account (@crayonsandbeads). Now I'm off to studying Internal medicine and Surgery, finals are coming too quickly!

Until then,
