July 22, 2014

Cook with me: Healthy Raw Bounty - Chocolate Coconut Bars

Hello everyone,

yesterday, I posted a photo of homemade raw Bounty bars on Instagram and Facebook and so many people have been asking me for the recipe. I made them for the first time and it was a total success! I think it is necessary to emphasize that these bars are super healthy, raw, vegan, sugarfree, glutenfree, dairyfree and nutfree. But let me tell you that they taste almost the same as the original Bounty. 
Now scroll down for the recipe! (Recept je tudi v slovenščini!)


Recipe (for 12 bars):

Coconut filling:
175 g coconut flour
60 mL (4-5 tbsp) coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp water
4 drops vanilla extract

Chocolate cream:
90 mL (6-7 tbsp) coconut oil, melted
30 g cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup
pinch of salt

1. Coconut filling: In a bowl, mix coconut flour with water, and in another bowl, mix together coconut oil, maple syrup, honey, salt and vanilla extract. Add the liquid mixture to the coconut flour and mix well. Transfer the filling into a small baking pan, lined with some plastic wrap, and press firmly. Put it in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.
2. Chocolate cream: In a double boiler, mix coconut oil with maple syrup, then add cacao powder and salt.
3. Remove the filling from the freezer and cut it into bars. Dip them into the cream, take them out with a fork and place them on baking paper. Put the bars into the freezer for 15 minutes, then dip them again. Drizzle the rest of the cream over the bars. Let them chill in the freezer for at least 1 hour before serving.

Recept (za 12 ploščic):

Kokosovo polnilo:
175 g kokosove moke
60 mL (4-5 žlic) kokosovega olja, stopljeno
3 žlice javorjevega sirupa
1 žlica medu
1/4 žličke soli
2 žlici vode
4 kapljice vanilijevega ekstrakta

Čokoladni obliv:
90 mL (6-7 žlic) kokosovega olja, stopljeno
30 g kakava v prahu
2 žlici javorjevega sirupa
ščepec soli

1. Kokosovo polnilo: V eni posodi zmešamo kokosovo moko z vodo, v drugi posodi pa kokosovo olje, javorjev sirup, med, sol in vanilijev ekstrakt. To tekočo mešanico nato dodamo h kokosovi moki in dobro premešamo. Zmes prenesemo v manjši pekač ali posodo s plastično folijo in trdno pritisnemo na dno ter damo v zamrzovalnik za vsaj 30 minut.
2. Čokoladni obliv: Nad vodno kopeljo (v spodnji posodi imamo vročo vodo, v zgornji posodi pa pripravljamo obliv), najprej zmešamo kokosovo olje in javorjev sirup, nato dodamo kakav in sol.
3. Kokosovo polnilo vzamemo iz zamrzovalnika in ga razrežemo na poljubno velike ploščice. Potopimo jih v čokoladni obliv, odstranimo jih z vilico in položimo na peki papir. Za 15 minut jih damo v zamrzovalnik, nato jih še enkrat potopimo. Preostanek čokoladnega obliva prelijemo preko ploščic. V zamrzovalniku jih pustimo vsaj 1 uro, preden serviramo.

Expect more yummy recipes very soon!

Good luck,


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